Cotesud Furniture

Live from artisan manufacturer, we offer trendy furniture made from old wooden scaffolding.
This material has a soul, it has suffered the bad weather, stood in the sun, the cold, it is characterized by its strength, its rugged appearance and its many possible uses both inside and out. Style, atmosphere and ease of maintenance are the watchwords for these furniture.
We offer a variety of tables, sofas, cabinets, decorative, jardín furniture, bedroom ...
We also aménageons your workspace; office, restaurant, hotel, shop ...
The color, the design of these scaffold wood furniture easily possible to harmonize with other furnishings. Depending on your design, they may be rustic, modern ...
The furniture is also available in different finishes that is to say painted a light layer of blue, green, ...
This allows to give another style furniture and keep a natural environment, without distorting the wood.
We also carry furniture on measures based on your descriptions and drawings.
All possible dimensions.
For more information or for a quote please contact us.
Delivery also abroad. Price on request